søndag 6. juni 2010

pancakes and uni

Nice sunday, rain and pancakes.
I forgot my recipy book in the store aswell, can get it tommorrow though.
But now I'm making pancakes in the pan and it looks nice and delicious.
Owell, almost.
Came home from camping yesterday, loads of fun, we went to wine tastings and acted as proffesionals, learning alot about wine tho.

Bought two bottles one for my little sister since she couldnt come along and one for my father since he lives in sweden and they have nicer rules when it comes to shipping alcohol.

Owell, I'l get answer about changing course in about a week, from marine biology to international relations, wanna work with human rights and people.
There's a reason for that aswell.

I was adopted about nineteen years ago, into a swedish family.
A thought have hunted me for a couple of years, how many of the other chilren got adopted?
How many got the chance to go to school, highschool, university?
How many of them are alive today?

I wanna help the devolement of free school for children across the world, help people understand that everybody deserves the chance to go to school, to do something with their life.
I know that Brazil are one of the most corupt countries in the world, but what if I can help them change stripes?
Or atleast start the evolusion?
I have a voice and I will use it, I wont be one of thoose who cant do anything right.
I have a dream, together with alot of people, and our voices together will move mountains, drain oceans, even stop wars.

We are the people with visions for others, we want to save whats left to save in this world and we want a better future for anyone.

I have a dream, as a great man once said.
And I do, I have a dream.

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