mandag 28. juni 2010

Barack obama and the norwegian nobel peace comite are criminals

This is not the right blogg, but since I dont have a politic blog this one will do.

The thing that has been bothered me are the fact that Alfred Nobels prices are supposed to be given to someone that has done something huge for man. Peaceprice is just one of them.

This is a copy of Nobels will:

"Öfver hela min återstående realiserbara förmögenhet förfogas på följande sätt: kapitalet, af utredningsmännen realiseradt till säkra värdepapper, skall utgöra en fond, hvars ränta årligen utdelas som prisbelöning åt dem, som under det förlupna året hafva gjort menskligheten den största nytta." (

Roughly translated:
I want the money to be divided to people who has done something good for humanity.
(sorry for the bad translation)

Well at the point B.Obama had'nt done anything for peace and the comite said themselfes, "we are giving him this award for the work he will do in the future", which basicly are directly violating towards Nobels will.
This is in true fact a disgrace towards the peaceprice and right out a fellony of crime.
You cant ignore a will!

But yet we let the peacecomite do whatever they wanted.
Is this really right?
Is this how we will run this world?

"Here you go, a thousand dollar for a book that you may be writing next year"
Is'nt stealing wrong?
And is'nt it just that what have happened?
The peacecomite wrongly gave away the peaceprice to someone who did'nt deserve it and worse yet it was directly against a dead mans will.

This truth will probably never raise to the surface as it seems I was to late with my little discovery and furthermore no one cares anymore.

But I do think it's time for the peacecomite to be changed, this one does'nt know the will of A.Nobel and none of them deserves to be where they are.

People reading this, DEMAND A CHANGE!

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