lørdag 6. mars 2010

just random

What to say, what to say.

Oh yeah, it has been raining quite alot theese two days, but still no worries.
Went on a party this thursday with some friends, it was awesome, as a friend would have said it.
Actually that guy won a dance competition, he sure can dance.
We had alot of fun, drank some beer, singing along with the music and just had some good times with friends.
We stayed at the bar untill it closed, it was on campus so it closed around 12.
But offcourse, the day after that I had an early leacture, from 9 am.
NOT FUN to be up0 early to go to school.
It's only ewery other weekday thou.
I bought a cheap bike from a friend the other day, and guess what, I used it to get from city all the way home, wich is about 20 kilometres.

One thing about Adelaide (can't say australia now can I?) is that theit busses sucks, you never know when they arrive or when they leave, the scheduales are impossible to understand and som places they dont even have the busstop on the scheduale so you have to guess where it is.
Good things, especially if you are a student, the tickets are cheap, and when you purchase one it doesnt matter where you are going, the tickets also are legal for two hours, wich means that you can go on whatever bus you like with the ticket, even if it's used on another ride.
One ticket for me costs between 1.20 to 2.20 depending on the time.

The trains here are good, the tickets from the bus works on them and vice versa.
Only thing are the time, the trains usualy stop running around midnight, wich means you can't stay in the city for long, unless you know someone or know a cheap motel or backpackers.

I like it here anyway, people are nice and I dont feel threatend by anyone here, it's not like home where people can yell things at you on the street just because you have the wrong colour of your skin.
It's nice to not be scared because people might want to beat you up.
We actually started our lectaures in school now, they didnt give us a week or anything, just right on the teaching, half hour introduction, then it was, up with your books and start with the leacture.

I dropped out of chemistry thou, it was to hard for me, so I re enrolled into a lower form of chemistry, wich is easier. And a friend of mine is in that class, we are going fishing together one day. He's from japan, and a great guy.

Owell dont know what more to say.
So sayonara and see ya later

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