søndag 28. mars 2010


Damn it, hate to be sick.
I have been unable to do much theese last days since thursday, mostly because I cough and nearly throw up because of a damn cold.
Figuring that the trains are to blame, they keep the AC on to much wich resaults in perfect conditions for the bacteria.
And I've nearly lost my voice, only way for me to talk is to drink something hot and that only helps for a few seconds or so.
And the worst thing is, we have an oral presentasion on thursday, how is that supposed to happen?
I cant even say yes or no without breaking into a coughingattack, it's only 10% of the mark, but that is still something.
How the hell am I supposed to beat this?
Thinking of goin to a pharmecy tomorrow and see if I can find something for the throat and possibly for the coughing as well.
I'm going nuts here, and my lungs are starting to feel it as well.
I'm just waiting for blood to come welling out of my mouth, if that happens I will probably visit the hospital, or maby Flinders Medical Centre.
Well wish me luck, because if this keeps up I cant go to uni tomorrow.
And I really dont like to miss lectures.

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