mandag 28. juni 2010

Barack obama and the norwegian nobel peace comite are criminals

This is not the right blogg, but since I dont have a politic blog this one will do.

The thing that has been bothered me are the fact that Alfred Nobels prices are supposed to be given to someone that has done something huge for man. Peaceprice is just one of them.

This is a copy of Nobels will:

"Öfver hela min återstående realiserbara förmögenhet förfogas på följande sätt: kapitalet, af utredningsmännen realiseradt till säkra värdepapper, skall utgöra en fond, hvars ränta årligen utdelas som prisbelöning åt dem, som under det förlupna året hafva gjort menskligheten den största nytta." (

Roughly translated:
I want the money to be divided to people who has done something good for humanity.
(sorry for the bad translation)

Well at the point B.Obama had'nt done anything for peace and the comite said themselfes, "we are giving him this award for the work he will do in the future", which basicly are directly violating towards Nobels will.
This is in true fact a disgrace towards the peaceprice and right out a fellony of crime.
You cant ignore a will!

But yet we let the peacecomite do whatever they wanted.
Is this really right?
Is this how we will run this world?

"Here you go, a thousand dollar for a book that you may be writing next year"
Is'nt stealing wrong?
And is'nt it just that what have happened?
The peacecomite wrongly gave away the peaceprice to someone who did'nt deserve it and worse yet it was directly against a dead mans will.

This truth will probably never raise to the surface as it seems I was to late with my little discovery and furthermore no one cares anymore.

But I do think it's time for the peacecomite to be changed, this one does'nt know the will of A.Nobel and none of them deserves to be where they are.

People reading this, DEMAND A CHANGE!

lørdag 26. juni 2010

last night, last day, forever?

Cant belive its over, five months just flying through them with great friends, but now it's over.
Last night was the last night in Adelaide city as a whole group, tommorow "Littlesis and Youmakemesmile" are leaving for Sidney and the rest of us will catch up with them in Brisbane.
Been living a great life theese last five months and my friends have become like family for me, I've been trying to prepare me for this but it's been inpossible, they mean to much to me.
I already know that I will be hostile against the next person that moves into "sis's" room.
And no new friends can replace theese ones, sure I will get new friends, but theese, my first good friends in Australia, they are special.

It's gonna be weird when all of them are gone, sure I'm gonna have "CreepyUncle" for another semester, but then he will leave and I will be left here alone.
When thinking back on all the fun we have had I realize that I've gone through so much fun with theese guys, if I tried to tell you of all of the fun we've had this one blog would be longer than "Lord of the Rings" and no one would bother to read it.

Like our trip to "Mount Z" in "Victor Harbor" or our Melbourne roadtrip along the Great Ocean Road, our celebration for "Littlesis" when all of us dressed up as "Where's Waldo/Willy", or when we stole a sign on a campingplace after I've been hiding in the tall grass for more than an hour, had scratches and wounds down both of my legs after that. (mom would have gone apeshit if she had seen that, with all the snakes and spiders)

We have had alot of fun here in Adelaide aswell, movienights, short campingtrips, fringe, cinema, planningnights at the Austral (means no planning alot of drinking).
Ah yeah...the Austral, how will it be to go there now? Will I go there by myself sometime?
I probably become one of their regulars.

Probably wont see any of the guys in a year (least), when two of them are doing Europe.
That will be fun, but its so far away, I really dont want anybody to leave, it's not perfect with all of them, but it's not the same without any of them. All of them have their special skills and way to be and I like that. (in most of them)

I dont want this to end, but it has to, life isnt always kind, I dont think I will see all of the guys again, I hope I can go to England, Holland, Argentina and France....oh yeah and USA. (that would be for Grand Canyon and a friend in New York state)

I could sit here and write forever, but I just make myself sader and sader when doing so, so I better stop before I start to cry. (why did I have to be the sensitive one, think my oldest brother should be that one instead)

tinnitus and clubs

To get a club to work you need three things, hot staff that looks good and acts like the people on the other side of that desk and loud party music. Now I'm on the dancefloor dancing around with my friends pretty close to the speakers and what comes into my mind is not how bad the music really are or how little I like clubs where you cant speak to your friends without screaming like crazy, but what is the risk for tinnitus? Let's see, speakers more or less aimed at you, music that you cant clearly make out (especially after a few beers) you can litterlaly feel your eardrums vibrate and this tiny beeping sound haunt you in the background.

What does doctors have to say about it? Will the beepingsound keep haunting you forever or will it dissapear in the morning? Sometime it does, sometime it doesnt. Many people have been complaining about me and my music usage, but so far I've only had the kinda tinnitus that goes away after a while. (yes there are more than one kinda tinnitus) (

But the stupid ones are not the ones like me, who listen to music for full machine, but thoose who goes to the clubs and dance around as close to the speakers as possible.

When you are at a club and it sounds like a bunch of angry bees are buzzing around in your ear or people with vuvuzela ( blowing in your ear, move away or go outside just take a short break.

onsdag 16. juni 2010

good news everybody, I will be gone for even longer

Yes, hurray, woopie!
Great, just great, I cant belive it (yet again) I'm in, National Studies, history, culture, international history and international culture, economy, politics and so much more, its amazing!
Okay so I gave up my chance of becoming a marinbiologist for something much greater and yes I'm probably in the wrong country for doing so, but you know what? I love it here another six months wont kill me and I'm just happy.

Next semester I wont be doing marinbiology but something else, something bigger, more exiting, more expencive (sob), But I will still be able to pursue my dreams. (one of them)
I can change this world, I just know it, if I can talk myself out of any situasion and make it sound true I can become a great politician.

Next semester is going to be great, alot of fun and joy.
Less friends....but still happy. (I hope)

Gonna miss "Little Sister", "Mr McLovin", "Mr,Ball", "thats what she said" Pilu", "You make me smile" Kate, "you alright mate" Tobias, "show'em your boobs" Dany, "I dont hate you that much" Marie and all the rest of the group, we are like one big family here and we make it easier to be so far from everybody, I think the ones who arent used to be so far away to their family have it alot tougher then the older ones who have been traveling alot, like "Mr Mclovin" and Tobias.

I fear that when I'm done here I will be long forgotten by my friends who have ment so much to me theese six months, that if we see eachother again its going to be different, things change and sadly we do to.

lørdag 12. juni 2010

the modern day zombie

The modern day zombie, kids on the dancefloor, instead of eating brains they eat music, as soon as the music starts they move to it as if they were possesed and in no control over their body, they jump up and down, move around, eyes soulless and their arms flying around like they where tied to invisible threads, their bodies move in unthinkable ways. Female specimin tend to move in ways to challenge other females and make males become interested and sometimes even exited.

Males on the other hand usualy moves slower and more clumsylooking, they dont push their brests out or shake their asses, probably because they dont have as much as the females to show of.
The way males captures the interest of a female is not from the dancing itself, but from how they present it, some males "accedentaly" dances upp to a female with his back towards her, he slowly turns around just like if it was a part of his dance and then he looks into her eyes.
If he gets a smile he stops in his track and start to talk to her, if not he just keeps going like it's a part of the dance. Using different techniques males can capture a female like a carnivore flower captures flies, ants and other bugs.

Drugs preferable alcohol are consumed during theese weekly rituals. However not all males like it when their female shake their parts to make other males interested. They show aggresive behaivour and become angry with their females. Sometimes fights break out when jealous males react to other males trying to steal his female. If this ocure bluedressed males and females are summoned, they are often more adult and grown up and more in controll than the young dancezombies. They have rules and are following them.

The end to a ritual for theese zombies are either when they are so tired that they cant move or when the music stops, they move out to the streets yelling and showing of to other zombies, some are asleep on benches or in toilets.

And when the sun rises the next day, we all know that theese zombies are asleep in dark rooms somewhere.

søndag 6. juni 2010

pancakes and uni

Nice sunday, rain and pancakes.
I forgot my recipy book in the store aswell, can get it tommorrow though.
But now I'm making pancakes in the pan and it looks nice and delicious.
Owell, almost.
Came home from camping yesterday, loads of fun, we went to wine tastings and acted as proffesionals, learning alot about wine tho.

Bought two bottles one for my little sister since she couldnt come along and one for my father since he lives in sweden and they have nicer rules when it comes to shipping alcohol.

Owell, I'l get answer about changing course in about a week, from marine biology to international relations, wanna work with human rights and people.
There's a reason for that aswell.

I was adopted about nineteen years ago, into a swedish family.
A thought have hunted me for a couple of years, how many of the other chilren got adopted?
How many got the chance to go to school, highschool, university?
How many of them are alive today?

I wanna help the devolement of free school for children across the world, help people understand that everybody deserves the chance to go to school, to do something with their life.
I know that Brazil are one of the most corupt countries in the world, but what if I can help them change stripes?
Or atleast start the evolusion?
I have a voice and I will use it, I wont be one of thoose who cant do anything right.
I have a dream, together with alot of people, and our voices together will move mountains, drain oceans, even stop wars.

We are the people with visions for others, we want to save whats left to save in this world and we want a better future for anyone.

I have a dream, as a great man once said.
And I do, I have a dream.