søndag 21. februar 2010

What to say

Well atleast I'm done with everything and ready for start.
Kinda nervous, but still I'm looking foward to this.
I can apply for projectwork next year so I'm going to do my best this year.
And the next one and offcourse the one after that.
And when I'm done we'll see what I'd do.

I have been here for six day's now, and I'm not yet used to the climate.
I mean I came from 20 - degrees to 30 +, thats 50 in difference.
Atleast I'm not hungry....all the time, I actually eat less here than I do back home, eat less but sleep more. Think that there is a connection?
Anyway, today it's quite chilly, only about 30 degrees but alot of wind, cold winds.

They started coming in yesterday, and have been comming in all day.
Not that I comlain, its not impossible to walk from the backpackers to the store five meters down the street without water now.

Well got to go, I have a meeting to attend to. (hurray)

See ya around.

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