tirsdag 31. august 2010

Nighttime working

Here I am

Working on my assigment, I should be sleeping, but I can't, I wont.
Not until I'm completely finished with this, for some reason I work better at night.
I'm more concentrated and actually read through papers and books more carefully.
At the same time what I'm writing about is really interesting, eutrophication in the Baltic Sea also known as Östersjön, basicly what I've found out only in half an hour is that the dephtpenetration has been reduced in the baltic sea since 1940 and this could be a direct link to eutrophication.

First of all, what is dephtpenetration?

Dephtpenetration is a meassurement that tells us how far down in water light can travel before vanishing. If dephtpenetration is to low in let's say a lake, the bottom will be ruled bu abiotic factors and bacteria that doesnt need air.

What is Eutrophication?

This is something I'm hung up with, I blame the swedish aggroculture (farming) for most of the problems in the Baltic Sea, which means: Minerals such as nitrogen and metals are drained from the farms and goes to the closest water recource, rivers or into the ground, where it eventually ends up in either the ocean or the Baltic Sea, the minerals are there to start plant growth, corn, leduce, you name it, so it starts a reaction in the water, plancton multiplys, this is something in comon with all marine plants, the problem is that since plant plancton also multiplys the depthpenetration get's reduced and things on the bottom starts to die, in sweden this year over 200 spieces in the swedish redlistbook won't be there even though they were there last year, most of theese are marine spieces that lives in the Baltic Sea since it's a mixture of salt and freshwater.

This alone should make it into a national park, but no, that won't happen and agriculture can keep on dumping their crap into it.

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