torsdag 29. april 2010

The world is a smal place

Yesterday when I were at my fieldtrip they asked if anybody had any history with farming, I raised my hand but where wery quickly stopped since I said it was overseas in Norway.
Later on the lecturer on that trip asked me alittle about Norway and to my suprise asked me if I knew about Moss, as it appears she had been an exhangestudent in Moss (remember this is some time ago) I just bursted out, THAT'S WHERE I HAVE BEEN LIVING FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS! And in my head I thought, heh the earth is really not that big anymore. She told me she had lived on the island (Jæløya) and that she didnt do much study since the upper highschool where done for the semester so most of the norwegian students where in drinking mode.

What she also told me (and this is amazing) was that she had rode a bicycle from Finland upp north, across into Norway and just gone all the way down. (thats inpressive)

Owell keep you uppdated.

Words from my beloved "sister"

This is what my "sister" also called housemate posted on my wall on FB.

Now listening closely children for i am about to tell you a tale about a creature they call an Oscar ! long ago in a lnad not much different from the one we are now , their was a creature that all who learnt to both love and fear ! This creature was called Oscar, an Oscar lurks in the back of car next to a pile of good...s and if you treat an oscar correctly he will pass bag upon bag upon bag of chips ! you must treat your OSCAR kindly thou and never trap him in the car or you will face the consquences! I shall not tell you of the consquences but remember this children treat ur oscars well or suffer!

So treat me well or face the dire consequenses.

Well actually she has made some fairytales based on our roadtrip to melbourne, when I sat in the back next to the bags and stuff since it was a eight seater. Two in the front (driver ofcourse), three in the middle seats and one in the back. The one who sat in the back were responsible to pass chips and drink (usualy water) foward to the others.
Which made the back seat and the drivers seat the two most inportant in the car.

søndag 11. april 2010


I really should keep on working with my fieldtrip report, but it seems like something else always catches my attention.
Glad it's a lot shorter than my housmates work, but still.
Stop it, get back to work kiddo.
Owell I'm halfway so I can take a lovely break, or so.
Writing a fieldreport on what we did last thursday, so even though we have midsemester break, gotta keep on working, when I'm done with the report I guess I take a small break before digging into previous lectures. (woopifreekydoo)
Work work work, I'd rather sit home and sleep or watch a movie.
Owell, breaks over, let's do this!

lørdag 10. april 2010

midsemester break!


So now we're through half of the semester, wich means I have about 5 - 6 more weeks in this semester.
So what can I do during the semester break?
We are going to Melbourne the 17th and I plan to spend alot of time on uni, reading up on previous lectures and notes.
But if I know some of my friends correctly they are going to the city at least 4 out of 5 nights.
To expensive I guess.

So during theese to weeks no uni, more than free studying.
Maby a trip or two to the beach, we'll see.

The roadtrip are going along the great ocean road towards Melbourne, we are planning to spend 2 nights on it and sleep outside Melbourne before entering and deliver the rental car.
Six happy talking, loud persons in one car, this is going to be fun.

Cant wait!

fredag 2. april 2010

Home again

And so I'm back, back from sleeping on the top of a big hill and in the middle of a campingsite with alot of chili-neighbours.
Back from sleeping in a tent cramped like fish in a can.
And guess what, I'd do it all over again, it was so much fun!
We went to Victor Harbor east of Adelaide and arrived quite late at night, even though it doesnt take long time we drow late because of Pilu and Sjoerd. When we came there, there were no campingsites open so we went a bit outside the mainarea to a small park, where it was a hill.
Ofcourse Sjoerd and Remco thinks that, hey we should put up the tent at the top.
Oh wait, rocks and cliffs, hm, who would've thought that the tentplugs didnt go into the ground.
We were all to tired to care so we slept in our sleepingbags outside, great fun.
When we woke up next morning we were starving and since it was friday we didnt belive anything would be open. We were so wrong.
Me and Sjoerd drove down to the main area next to the beach and found a small store where we bought some food and drink to take us through the morning.
Then we packed up the camp and headed down to the car, we drove to the campingplace and got a cheap spot.
We learned that people from Chili has big tents, they had microwave oven and propper eatingtable.

Owell, we went into town to see the puingwins, but ofcourse we didnt see any.
We had a good time still.
A good pizza and then back to the camp.
I slept closest to the right wall and kinda wish I didnt, since Vicki is a sleepmover, so she took up alot of my space, since I dont like to wake people up I just let her.
Resulting in me loosing more and more space.
The protection of the tent blew of so we were disposed to the winds. (again)

Following morning we showered and ate something, then we left for a wildlifepark, where we fedd, kangeroos and saw crocodile's. (australian ones)

And now I'm here, tired and wil probably go to sleep in.

torsdag 1. april 2010

Let's go camping!

Alright but who do the planing?
Hm...the roof is nice, so no one?
Alright then, let's just try and see what happens.

This is our situasion right now and I don't get how Vicki can be so calm?!
The guys are on their way right now and she's in the livingroom watching the telly, shouldnt we br panicing right now?
We don't even know where to go, so what's the point in letting poor Remco loose alot of gas?
This will end badly, or in a pub somwhere in city.
Let's hope for that one, I mean, yeah I have the feeling that the campingtrip von't happen.

Oh yeah, I had my presentasion today, even though my throat still isnt back to normal, I'm in better condition then I were a few day's ago. Don't know how it went, but probably not to bad.
We are going on our first fieldtrip next week. (hurray)
To Seacliff beach. (wait what?)
Yeah I said it, Seacliff beach, that's only an hours walk from here and I can find my way there without any problems.
Owell, and the week after that, NO MORE UNI FOR 2 WEEKS?!
Roadtripp to Melbourne. This is going to be sooooooo good.
I'm going to Melbourne with some friends.

Owell tell ya more later, the guys are here for our camping. (yikes)