tirsdag 11. januar 2011


Yesterday I was glued to the telly, they were talking about it the whole day, more than 12 hours with continueing information about the flood, it's insane to see all this, people are loosing their homes, their lives and even their loved ones.

One third of Brisbane will be without power and some water will even make it down to Murray River wich means that Adelaide will taste som of it, not in the same scale as in Queensland, but with the last floods before christmas some of the water ran through the Murray river and a swimmer drowned.

The youngest one in Queensland is a four year old boy, it's sad to see everything.
Some stories about heroic deeds are out there, like the old retired guy that sent his grandchildren up to the roof by floaters, then he sent them away in the rescue helicopter and had to cling on to the roof for more than half an hour for the helicopter to come back.

75% of Queensland have been decleared a disaster zone, this is the biggest flood since 1974 and it's alot bigger.

so to all Australians struggling to survive who haven't been found yet, don't give up hope, you have a whole nation who supports you and who prays for you.

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