tirsdag 31. august 2010

Nighttime working

Here I am

Working on my assigment, I should be sleeping, but I can't, I wont.
Not until I'm completely finished with this, for some reason I work better at night.
I'm more concentrated and actually read through papers and books more carefully.
At the same time what I'm writing about is really interesting, eutrophication in the Baltic Sea also known as Östersjön, basicly what I've found out only in half an hour is that the dephtpenetration has been reduced in the baltic sea since 1940 and this could be a direct link to eutrophication.

First of all, what is dephtpenetration?

Dephtpenetration is a meassurement that tells us how far down in water light can travel before vanishing. If dephtpenetration is to low in let's say a lake, the bottom will be ruled bu abiotic factors and bacteria that doesnt need air.

What is Eutrophication?

This is something I'm hung up with, I blame the swedish aggroculture (farming) for most of the problems in the Baltic Sea, which means: Minerals such as nitrogen and metals are drained from the farms and goes to the closest water recource, rivers or into the ground, where it eventually ends up in either the ocean or the Baltic Sea, the minerals are there to start plant growth, corn, leduce, you name it, so it starts a reaction in the water, plancton multiplys, this is something in comon with all marine plants, the problem is that since plant plancton also multiplys the depthpenetration get's reduced and things on the bottom starts to die, in sweden this year over 200 spieces in the swedish redlistbook won't be there even though they were there last year, most of theese are marine spieces that lives in the Baltic Sea since it's a mixture of salt and freshwater.

This alone should make it into a national park, but no, that won't happen and agriculture can keep on dumping their crap into it.

fredag 27. august 2010

The grades and what they mean.

I guess if I went through what my grades meant without explenation no one back home would get it.
So here it is, a list over grades.

Serious conceptual of factual mistakes and indaequacies in interpretation and expression.
Misses the major points. Illogical arguments and unsubstained statements. Irrelevant argument or showing an unacceptable level of understanding of the relevant material. Inadequate referencing.

(50 - 64%)
A competent discussion of the basic material. Organization of argument generally satisfactory. Clear and effective expression, presentation and referencing.

(65 - 74%)
Above average review of the literlature. High level of expression and presentation. Clear indication of ability to construct and sustain an argument. Clear and appropiate referencing.

(75 - 84%)
Excellent comprehension of the main revelant facts and concepts. Evidence of independent thought. High quality organization. Clear and appropiate referencing. Impressive level of expression and presentation.

(85 - 100%)
Exceptional comprehension of a full range of relevant concepts and factual material.
Clear evidence of extensive reading and independent thought. Exceptional logical organization. Exceptional expression and style. Clear and appropiate referencing. Outstanding work in all respects.

So there you go, if you wonder what the % mean it's simply this.

Essay - 20%
Major essay - 40 %
Tutorial presentation - 10%
end of semester test - 20%
Tutorial attendance - 10%

sum - 100%

So there you go, ofcourse it's not like this on all topics, but in most of my topics it's the same.

torsdag 26. august 2010

Everything has it's place

I realized today that my room looks like Hiroshima after Big-Boy hit it, ruble here and there, waterbottles spread out on the floor, papers, clothes and more in my bed and the list goes on.
But what I also realize is I know where everything is. Eg, all my schoolthings are infront of the door, the first thing I see when I get home are my books, papers and so on from uni and since they are there I always know where they are and will always find them in case I need them. Plus I'm always on top of my work, knowing what I have and when they are due, if they had been tuced away in a draywer or in my bag I wouldn't notice them.

So stuff are everywhere and I know where they are, this take me back to before I came here, when I lived in a small cellar room at my mother's, I had the same kinda system there, but wasn't allowed to follow it, because it looked unorganized, but it wasn't.
Actually I never found anything after my mother had secretly cleaned my room without me knowing.
What does that mean?

1. Everyone creates their own enviroment.
2. If someone disturbs that enviroment the owner would be confused or even angry.
3. What might look like a battlefield can infact be more organized than what doesn't.

That's it for now, later I will put up the grades and what they mean.

mandag 16. august 2010

six months

Wow, today it's six months since I arrived here in Oz, it feels like I've been here forever.
Six months ago a nervous young boy arrived in Adelaide, today a less nervous and just a tad more manly...boy sit by his computer, writing about six months ago.

I've learned so much about Australia and alot about people, I meet new people almost every day and altough not all of them are friendly I still enjoy myself.
The thought of moving back home seems alien and odd, it feel's like I could stay here forever, become an aussie. (not before the world cup in Brazil kicks of though)

Twenty years and the world is my playground, (well almost) I also mett this guy at a party the other day and he told me of a project that international students have toghether with their embasy in Canberra which allows them to litterly get a foothold inside the embasy, sounds like something for me.

Just to quote a great song:

Tell me what you hear
And then tell me what you see
Everybody has a different to view the world
I would like you to know
When you see the simple things
To appreciate this life
It's not to late to learn

Anyway, the more I see the more I wanna know, the more I learn and this course I am doing can really help me get a good foothold in Oz weither it's human rights or govermental work.
My life is at it's beginning soon I will be on top of it all.

lørdag 7. august 2010


I don't like writing bad new here but I just feel like writing, I sold my electric bicycle a couple of day's ago and ofcourse the thing breaks when the buyer get's it home and now she is acusing me of fraud, the damn thing started and worked well when I had it, now she wants the money back before friday, problem is I don't have all of it, I am 27 dollar's short and when I try to explain it to her she doesn't listen, so now what do I do?
I try to explain to her to just wait ten day's but no ofcourse she won't do that.
Just my luck, that damn bicycle is cursed, I tell you that!