søndag 12. september 2010

Step up or die

Life is unfair, many try and fail.
Many people today that are rich becomes rich without having to work for it, some people are born into it and others cheat the system to get it.
Problem with life is, if you give up and become a doormatt people are going to take advantage of you, use you so they can climb up the ladder, there are people that work fifty years in the same position to see the higher rank taken by some kid that just finished highschool, I read a blog about a woman who went from work to work because she were treated badly in them, in one she were sexually harassed, when she complained she got fired, in another she got spat in the face because the customer didnt like coloured people and she's just like me, adopted.

Life isnt fair, but if you let it step on you, let it do whatever it want to you, you wont get far, sure I screwed up majorly last semester, but I'm not giving up, not yet, I'm not going to be stuck in a deadend job, picking up smaler peices for others.

It's time to give life a fist in the face and get on with it!

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