onsdag 15. september 2010

Shitt of the earth

First of all, let me apologize for the strong tittle, but I feel I can't hold this in any longer.

I whish the ultimate evil would just banish from this earth, blown to pieces, burned, killed, removed, the virus has to go and the weed which grows all over this wonderfull planet should be removed.

What am I talking about?
Humanity, or if you can call it that, I stick to, twolegged beasts that kill for fun and ruin everything in their path, in due time we will have comsumed everything on the earth, what will we do then?
Search for new ways in the galaxy, hah!, that only proves my point that we are like roaches, viruses, we destroy one cell or cropfield and then we move on.

Malthus said it first, the population should be reduced, don't help the people that need it and they will die of naturally, well I say take it to the extreme, there are people that don't need to exist, humankind could just aswell burn and be another speices that are lost in the history if time, earth will gradually return to it's normal state, whatever that is, what we know is that it doesnt matter where we look today, we see changes that are a direct result of human involvement, wethter it's trees in england or water shortage in japan.

We are a terrible species, we put ourself at the top at the hiarchy and we also put us ahead of other species on this planet, human arent animal accordint to scientists, so why do we have wars? Isn't that anger a production of instinctal thoughts, the same goes for rasicm, hatred towards others that are different from us.

Stupid, sure we are animals, with a sick desire to kill animals for the entertainement of others, you know what, if we want entertainement of living things, stop bullfighting or cockfighting, go for the ultimate test, ultimate beast versus ultimate beast, reopen the coloceum, force death sentenced prisoners to fight for their life, winner lives to see another day, looser, well you get the point. What rights do we have to throw a bull up against a guy with a two meter spear that he pokes the bull with? What rights do we have to decide what animals should be where, we made borders for the nortic wolfes (the few thats left that is) now what the hell is that good for?!

Last time I checked wolfe's didn't have map's or gps or any other thing to tell them where the hell they were, the only way for them to know an area from another were smell of other heards.

As I said, human are viruses, we polute, we use, we barely care for anything else then ourselfes, the great mankind, didnt we walk on the moon? didnt we go faster then the sound barrier? Didnt we climb mount everest without airsupply or go to depths so insane that no man alive could've been there?

What we are is nothing but shitt, I'm ashamed to call myself human, I would rather see this whole mankind die out, like dinosaurs, like other "higher" beings have been before us.
The only fear is, that after we are gone, some milion years from now, evolution will restart, new species will start develop and before we know it another self sentered species will be on top of it all, doing the same bloody things as we are, killing of the animals they think are useless or less worthy.

Life is a cycle, but this pisses me off.

I dont care what people think, let's hope that our "leaders" of the world will wake up and realize that they are focusing on the wrong hellish things!
Enviroment, nature, wildlife wellfare, now thats important!
Not who has the biggest guns, or best groceries!

søndag 12. september 2010

Step up or die

Life is unfair, many try and fail.
Many people today that are rich becomes rich without having to work for it, some people are born into it and others cheat the system to get it.
Problem with life is, if you give up and become a doormatt people are going to take advantage of you, use you so they can climb up the ladder, there are people that work fifty years in the same position to see the higher rank taken by some kid that just finished highschool, I read a blog about a woman who went from work to work because she were treated badly in them, in one she were sexually harassed, when she complained she got fired, in another she got spat in the face because the customer didnt like coloured people and she's just like me, adopted.

Life isnt fair, but if you let it step on you, let it do whatever it want to you, you wont get far, sure I screwed up majorly last semester, but I'm not giving up, not yet, I'm not going to be stuck in a deadend job, picking up smaler peices for others.

It's time to give life a fist in the face and get on with it!

onsdag 1. september 2010

A real awakening

At UNI today they started talking about ethnisity and culture, some of the people said that they were proud Australians and no matter how they looked at it they were Australians, they couldn't change it even if their wanted to, some of them seemed to indicate that where you are born is where your ethnisity lies, so what is my ethnisity?
Would any swedish person actually agree that I'm swedish?
How about Brasilian then?
Same story there, I'm born there and thats about it.
What can I say that I am?
I've said all my life that I'm swedish because I'm raised that way, swedish culture.
This reminds me about the family who locked their youngest son inside their cellar together with some dogs, the boy started to act like a dog and even thought he were a dog, but no matter how people looked at him, he were a human thinking he was a dog.
Isn't this a bit of the same?

After I became older "wiser" I started asking myself all theese questions, I've always had this void inside, wondering who I am, what my family's history would be, if things could've been different.

I'm not saying that I do not appreciate everything my family has done for me, still are doing for me, don't know where I had been if it wasn't for them, I love them like a son would love his family, but at the same time there's something missing.

I actually envy most of my friends because they know who they are, where their genes come from, they feel the mateship with everyone else and doesn't stick out like me or other's like me.

A reason for me going to Australia more than study were that I belive I can find myself here, find a place I feel I belong in, I don't belong in sweden or norway, I was raised there but I feel like a black sheep in a white sheep farm.

Take Norway for instance, I have been acused for drugsmugling, for being an anchorchild and also every damn time I travel across that border, wether it's by plane or by bus they stop me, why? Because I look different, it doesn't matter that I speak the language fluently or that I've lived there for ten years, in their eyes I'm nothing but an immigrant who rapes their daughters and start pointless fights.

I've been yelled at on the street by normal people, "damn nigger go back where you came from", is it weird I feel like I don't belong?

Who am I really?

I can speculate about my genes, I think that my ancestors came to Brazil from Africa where many slaves where removed, many of them where brought to Brazil or South America, I only think this because I've been told that I look like an african.

But what do I know, I will probably live my whole life wondering, asking theese questions, never get a proper answer or even a hint.