onsdag 28. juli 2010

Just for fun

Okay, so I've been talking about Australia in so many way, how nice this country is and how much I like it here.
Now you can see for yourself what I speak about.


^ By klicking this link. ^
That one, klick it.

mandag 26. juli 2010

first day at uni since holiday kicked in

Now what did I learn about UNI today?

For starters I learned that Science is alot harder than most of the topics, basicly in for instance Australia and the World, all I need to do is write a three thousand essay about something (don't know what choices we have untill next TUT) and I'll get 50% of my mark, now to pass the course all I need is 50%, I get 40% from the exam and 10% from going to the tut's, in science however we had labs, rapports, fieldtrips, tuts, exams and normal tests, see the difference?

This semester is going to be fun.

mandag 19. juli 2010

just the same

I know this will be a bit cheesy and kinda clicheish, but I just had to write this.

I first wrote this when I was lying on the grass with my friends, I was looking up at the sky, one of them were stealing another shoes from a friend who didn't realize what was going on, the third was just laughing being herself and the other two were comforting each other, holding each other talking, as I looked up I realized that it's all the same, the sky and the clouds, no matter where in the world we are we still share those things, we might be in Sweden, Australia, Holland, Argentina, England or the US but we can all look up and remember, remember the laughs, the jokes, the partying and the tears, remember being there for each other and treasuring the days we spent together, our camping trips and movie nights.
We can't turn back time, but we can always remember lost days.

I'm sure I'll see most of you guys again, I hope I see you again, maybe some day at the Austral or in your own countries, I hope all of you dream about the same.

Even if seeing some of you will be hard, we will see each other somehow.
And till that time we can always look up, wondering if someone else are looking up as well, dreaming, remembering, hoping for the others well being.
You guys made my first six months in Australia great and I love you all for it. (not in a gay way or maybe a bit)

Great friendship never dies and so I hope our friendships as the original six lives on.

Thanks for six wonderful and great months guys.

fredag 2. juli 2010

football is'nt healthy for me

As the title says football is'nt healthy, I just saw Brazil loose against Holland. (how the f?!) All the old feelings came flowing back, the rage, the anger, the feeling of loosing control, the feeling of wanting to go into a fight with the first person who spits the loss in my face, friend or for alike. Even as I'm writing this I can feel it in my arms, muscles straining, trying hard to keep a neutral face, even if I feel more like running far away. Run until all my energy is gone, just like old days.
Who would've thought that thoose old feelings were hiding still, deep inside so deep that even I thought they were gone, my anger management issues that no one in my later life (exept family) knew about.

If "youmakemesmile" had'nt made me laugh I would've cracked together in a mixture of anger and hate, sadness and rage, people would've gotten hurt and I would probably loose my student visa, or worse.

I really need to handle my anger better, I have managed pretty good theese later years since I started highschool, it's also since I got a "new" life where people did'nt know who I was or what I could do. (they didnt belive me when I told them of old days)

My arms still aches but it's starting to dissapear, I still have the sudden muscle tighting, where my muscles are pulling together so hard that my arms and legs are twitching.

Maybe I should go to a doctor or anybody.

I can still feel it, my neck straines, my muscles aching, it's like a drug (I guess) a great feeling, at the same time you worry, you're afraid.
Scared to hurt someone you care for or even love, please dont let me sink back in that dark hole.