torsdag 20. mai 2010


Today I cooked a Swedish dish, Flying Jacob, easy to make.
Cream and something like chilisause (I used ketchup) and chicken and so much more.
It tastes so good! Almost as good as grandmas.
So from on now I'm gonna cook more swedish dishes, tomorrow I'm gonna cook ovenbaked pancake.
It feels great to cook again, havent really cooked anything since I lived in Uppsala.

Oh and uni is ticking and we are having a big project in marine biology, but that is going to pass.

tirsdag 18. mai 2010


After being here for about four mhonts I've fallen in love in Australia.
Have no idea whats going to happen in the future, all I know is that I dont wanna leave.
I want to stay here, I love it here, nice people, nice wievs, nice weather and nice people.
I wanna get a job here and sometimes I think about getting a job and not have any loan.
And after a couple of years I could apply for citizenship.
Get a nice veichle (mc) and live with it and make sure it runs and have my own small appartement.
Maybe even find a pretty girl to start a family with, I wouldnt mind a life like that.
Owell, lets see what the future brings.

All I know is, I will never know whats around the next corner

søndag 9. mai 2010

Pubcrawl and a happy mothers day

New experiences and happy moments this weekend, on friday I learned whats so fun about pubcrawls, always wondered now I know.

What is a pubcrawl?

A pubcrawl is a chance to get really drunk and have fun, like a party out, exept, you dont go to one pub, you go to a couple of them, we started out at the london and enden up at the elephant.
You buy theese t-shirts a few days ahead and then you go out, we were the red team shirts, the colour doesnt mean much, but sometimes they do, like this time, we were divided into teams, red, white, pink and black, the theeme were Grease. (the T-s look terrible) I were in the red team.
I had a really god time and only had to pay for two drinks the entire evning...or maybe a few more, but! We guys had a deal and that made it so much easier, but on top of that I also got drinks from new friends. So I'm now known as Sweden, simpy as that.
Well the shirts also gives you cheaper drinks, one beer, 3 dollar, so I paid 6 dollars the whole evning. Australia may be expencive out, but it sure is fun, especially when dancing around with an Aussie Adelady who have a really positive side about her, had fun that night.
Had to look after my little sister though, started to get worried when she started to get close to this creepy kiwi. Owell, as long as she doesnt get hurt.

Anyway, mothers day, in Australia thats today and they make a HUGE deal about it, mothers day flowers, mothers day tv, mothers day dishwasher (ironic?) mothers day this and that, man makes me glad to be a male in europe where mothers day is limited to a small headline in the papers.

This is me saying happy mothers day to mums and grandmums all over the world!