mandag 28. februar 2011

Dear Free Translation

Dear FreeTRA, I don't think I like you anymore
You used to be so right
Now some Russians kicking me in a fight
Dear FreeTRA I don't like you anymore

And FreeTRA says,
Dear Oscar I don't like you anymore
It used to be you and me some German porn and simple words
Now you want me to translate real words
Dear Oscar I don't like you anymore

lørdag 19. februar 2011


I might not be in Australia anymore but I might aswell write something here.

I'm back in Sweden after a year and to be honest I don't want to be here, sure I have my family, friends and loved ones here, but I can't leave, I can't return.

During the first two hours in Sweden, four Swedish people talked english to me, they actually thought I didn't understand Swedish.
How can I call this my home when people don't see me as one of them, a Scandinavian, a Swede.

The truth is that I've lived ten years in Norway, ten years in Sweden, one year in Australia, out of this I've never felt as home as I did in Australia, people actually cared for me there, I wasn't just some international student, I was a mate.

I'm going to return to Australia, migrate and never think about Sweden or Norway ever again.
This isn't my home anymore, this is a foreign country to me.

torsdag 10. februar 2011

Eight hours in CHINA!

Finaly something good with the whole going home thing, well more than the obvious, I'm going to have eight hours in China and if I'm lucky I can leave the airport, me in the BIGGEST Communist republic that is left, this is just to cool!
I have to see more than the airport, I mean just think about it, we have so much, culture and history, I'm so excited, for me a Marxist this is a great oppurtunity to see communism up close (sure it's a twisted one that isn't close to Marxism but still) and I get to see a new world which I've never thought I'd see in many years.

Can't stop smiling now.

onsdag 2. februar 2011

silence before the storm

It's an old saying, but in Cairns at the moment it's everything but silent, the wind are picking up and Yasi are on it's way in, it's going to hit in about fiften to twenty minutes, this is one of the biggest cyclones in a while and the Australians in the affected area are preparing with everything they have.

Advice on telly are out saying, stay inside, hide under a strong table, use madrasses if the roof goes.

It's a category five cyclone, some people doesn't seem to understand how dangerous this is, a reporter in a hostel just talked about some people playing drinking games, one Yank who claimed to have survived a cyclone in the US were planning to go outside to have a cyclone party tonight.
Let's hope he uses his brain, but I guess not, I mean he is a Yank after all.

People have been recording their homes and where they are going to hide now before the cyclone hit, they are going to bunk in small rooms and halways.

Good luck north Queenslanders, our hearts are with you.